Pacific Currents
Read the latest issues of Pacific Currents, our magazine created just for members.

Pacific Currents Winter 2025
Marine Species Report Card
Learn about the first-of-its-kind Marine Species Report Card.

Pacific Currents Fall 2024
Healthy, Happy, and Thriving!
A window into the day in the life of animal care at the Aquarium.

Pacific Currents Spring 2024
Frogs: Facing a Changing World
The intriguing world of amphibians connects ecosystems, reflects a rich natural history, contains enormous diversity, and gives a glimpse at future environmental impacts.

Pacific Currents Winter 2024
Ocean Life in a Changing World
Climate change is impacting the ocean, the animals that live there, and ultimately each of us. Learn why this is happening and what we can do to help.

Pacific Currents Fall 2023
Stories of Southern California Conservation
Hear from the people behind our Southern California conservation programs.

Pacific Currents Spring 2023
Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary with New Exhibits and More!
Discover treasured ocean habitats right outside our door. Learn about them and how they are the focus of the reimagined Southern California Gallery and our 25th anniversary celebration.

Pacific Currents Winter 2023
Aquarium Careers
There are many jobs necessary to run the Aquarium of the Pacific. From animal care specialists to guest services, explore these roles and more, and learn what it takes to enter into a career in the aquarium field.

Pacific Currents Fall 2022
AI: Ground-Breaking Efforts in Shark Breeding
Our research has paved the way for shark artificial insemination to become a standard practice at aquariums and has applications for conservation of wild sharks.

Pacific Currents Spring 2022
A new exhibit at the Aquarium this summer will showcase baby animals from the ocean and highlight the significant and groundbreaking births that have happened here. Also in this issue, read about our new desert tortoise, penguin breeding season, and rescued sea otter pups.

Pacific Currents Winter 2022
The Last of the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs
In the fall of 2020 the Bobcat Fire destroyed mountain areas where biologists had just released critically endangered frogs. Zoos and aquariums including the Aquarium of the Pacific took action to save them. Also in this issue, read about the arrival of a new rescued sea otter pup and a sandbar shark in Shark Lagoon.